Fine Dining

Momofuku Seiobo, Pyrmont (Part II)

(Read the first part of my Momofuku Review)!

Last time, on the iFat – Food Chronicles.

Our hero finally got around to visiting the most hyped about restaurant of 2011 in the form of Momofuku Seiobo. He made an Iggy Azaelea reference that caused seventeen people to unfollow him on WordPress and got half way through his twelve course dinner.

Let’s pick up where he left off. Also, can someone please make him stop referring to himself in third person?

Daikon with XO sauce and tripe

Daikon with XO sauce and tripe

I absolutely loved the presentation of this dish. I’ve had a lot of tripe over the years (I eat a lot of pho dac biet) and I had never seen it presented this way. It broke away like a potato crisp and added a crunch to every bite. I’m a fan of XO sauce so this course pushed all of my buttons.

Slow cooked duck with red cabbage and bbq sauce made out of pumpkin

Slow cooked duck with red cabbage and bbq sauce made out of pumpkin

What the duck? How the duck do you make BBQ sauce out of pumpkin? That blew my ducking mind when the server told me that.

This was a great way to serve duck. The duck skin was wafer crisp; I really enjoyed the smoky taste and it continued to linger long after the duck had disappeared from my plate.

Seriously though, how do you make BBQ sauce out of pumpkin? That’s the most unbelievable situation involving a pumpkin since the time a buddy of mine tried to convince me that Cinderella was based on a true story.

Potato tart with Tasmanian cheddar cheese

Potato tart with Tasmanian cheddar cheese

Simplicity at its finest; this tart is why people tell me to keep my jokes simple. Actually, maybe they’re just calling me a tart.

Light base, great potato flavour and a strong cheddar on the side. It’s hard to stuff that up unless your name is Isaac and you somehow end up boiling the cheese and finding fragments of popcorn where your potatoes should be. It’s hard being culinary challenged.

Time for dessert.



What is it, italics?


What are you talking about?





So, it appears that the tasting menu is consistently changing. I am a huge fan of innovation and I think change is a good thing. Without change, we’d always be tipping with notes and I am nowhere near rich enough to do that. Anyway, I’m a fan of change…..except when you take away my beloved buns.

Momofuku, please.


Time for dessert:

Quince and almond tart

Quince and almond tart

This had a great sour punch to it. I detected a hint of hazelnut in the flaky base and I almost forgot about not getting to reacquaint myself with Momofuku’s buns (almost).

Sweet corn custard, annieseed meringue and chervvil ice cream

Sweet corn custard, annie seed meringue and chervil ice cream

This was a great way to cap off a fantastic dinner. The chervil ice cream’s herbal taste was really different but enjoyable.  The real star of the show was the melt in your mouth quality of the meringue that I just let sit on my tongue as I thought about my life and wondered why Justin Timberlake didn’t give his ‘N Sync bandmates more time to perform at the MTV Music Awards last year.


Here’s the TL;DR for everyone who wants me to say bye bye bye to the food blogging community:

– Momofuku’s 12 course dinner was one of the first times I’ve ever been completely full after a degustation dinner

– I miss their pork buns so much that I just might go back next week

– I think I have a pig problem considering how much I think about pork.

Momofuku Bill

Momofuku Seiobo, Pyrmont

80 Pyrmont Street (opposite Adriano Zumbo)

Opening Hours:

Monday – Thursday: 6:30 – 10:00pm

Friday:12:30-2:00 pm, 6:30-10:00 pm

Saturday:12:30-2:00 pm, 6:30-10:00 pm

Momofuku Seiōbo on Urbanspoon

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