Review / Sandwich

North Complete Sandwiches, CBD

Before I wrote my food blogs, I blogged about food in a different manner.

I was THAT guy on Facebook. The guy that just posted photos of food with an occasionally witty comment but mostly nothing of substance.

I really shouldn’t sugar coat it, what I did was infinitely more obnoxious. You see, I’ve never been a good cook. That’s a problem because humans need to eat to survive but I didn’t want to light my house on fire making cereal.

So I made sandwiches. Often.

Somehow, I got it into my head that people actually wanted to see these sandwiches. I posted photos of these sandwiches on a daily basis and cleverly called them ‘manwiches.’

Get it? ‘Cause I’m a man and I was making sandwiches.

Eventually, I realised how much of an idiot I am was and stopped.

Yes, I realise how ironic it is considering that I’m doing essentially the same thing minus the manwiches.

Until today….’cause I visited North Complete Sandwiches in the city.

It’s time for photos of Manwiches again.


North Complete Sandwiches is hidden away in an arcade dedicated to food on Bridge Street near the massive NAB building. I came here at about 1:30 hoping that I had beaten the lunch rush.

I am a genius.

Ok, my co-worker had warned me earlier in the week but still.


Looks like my ingenuity was quickly foiled. Most of the ingredients had already been depleted by the time I arrived and another co-worker’s recommendation (chicken schnitzel) was sold out. Fortunately for me, I’m not a picky eater and quickly latched on to one of the last fillings they still had.

Cajun chicken.

Oh, hell yes!

Cajun chicken on soy & linseed with home made lemon chive mayo, roma tomato, mixed lettuce and olive oil.

Cajun chicken on soy & linseed with home made lemon chive mayo, roma tomato, mixed lettuce and olive oil.

First of all, we now live in a world where a sandwich can be a two course meal. I love my life.

Secondly, did I mention this sandwich can be spread out over two courses? I haven’t been this impressed since my  four year old nephew pronounced my name better than my own parents.

This sandwich was gigantic. This sandwich was momentous. This sandwich was gargantuan. This sandwich has exhausted all my synonyms for big.

It was a huge deal.

I need to talk about how big this was for just a bit more. I had to develop a new grip just to hold it up to my mouth. Filling threatened to spill out everywhere like my mother threatening to spank me if I ever swallowed another twenty cent coin. At one point, holding up half (!) the sandwich was like shovelling a large piece of cake into my face.

Believe me, I was a fat kid, shovelling large pieces of cake into my face is my forte.

You huge and tasty son of a....

You huge and tasty son of a….

Ok, let’s actually talk about how it tasted.

It was as tasty as it was large.

The Vienna bread that housed the escape prone filling was surprisingly soft. I was expecting a crusty variation with a tough bite but it was firm enough not to let anything leak through yet still soft to bite.

The salad was impeccably fresh, the mayonnaise was rich and is presently touring my thighs.

The chicken? Yo, the chicken was majestic. The Cajun sauce was really mild (by my standards, I’m from Strathfield after all) and had numerous layers to it. A hint of lemon, a tad of spice and it served as a great coating for the perfectly cooked chicken.

The synergy throughout the sandwich was strong. The only complaint I have is that they made my hands feel really small.

Ladies, I assure you that this is not the case.


Here’s the TL;DR for all the people thinking of taking my wallet away from my (apparently) miniature hands

– Get there late….but not too late.

– Your sandwich could be divided into two meals. Fiscal responsibility, what up?

– This is a sandwich place that definitely isn’t going south anytime soon.


North Complete Sandwiches

Shop 1A, 2 Bridge Street (near the NAB building and opposite a McDonald’s)

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00am to 5:00pm 

(The Urbanspoon page says its in Parramatta but this is not the case, I’ve already made the change and it should be live shortly).

North Complete Sandwiches on Urbanspoon

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6 thoughts on “North Complete Sandwiches, CBD

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